Saturday, October 13, 2012


I am so sorry about not postig nothing these months its just i got all catchy with my friends and all so i stoped bloging but here i am so here it starts again.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

FAT STICKMEN????????!!!!!!!!!!

                                               I THINK I AGREE WITH THIS
                        IMAGE.(TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

black wizard's base

                                 This picture is the base of the black wizards they are the same but not
                                  as strong or powerful.

wizards base

                                  O.k you might have  seen these before but you haven't these are
                                  wizards and they live underground in tunnels as you can see.They have
                                   magic powers and they are very strong.see you next time on stickmen. stuff.

Henry stickmin goes to court

                                            Have any of you gone to court, well if you haven't
                                            this is how Henry would do it.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


                                            O.K WHO HERE LIKES STAR WARS ????!!!!!
                                             IF YOU DO WATCH THIS.

Crazy Jay

Who here knows about crazy Jay? O.k. Well, if you don't, read the following lines: Crazy Jay is a  ninja with psycho powers.One of his powers is turning into a log and then attacking the other person from the back.He has many moves and a dagger connected to a piece of rope. When he has a chance to attack with his superpower, he grins, laughs or chuckles.
Thanks for coming...